On Wednesday, June 7, 2017, the Sports Division will commence the 2017 Primary Schools Netball Championships with matches in both Division I and Division II categories.
Three (3) Division 1 matches will take place as follows:
- St. John’s Primary vs. Wesley Primary at Portsmouth from 3:00 pm
- Tete Morne Primary vs. W.S. Stevens Primary at the Dominica Grammar School from 4:00 ppm
- Salisbury Primary vs. Roosevelt Douglas Primary at Salisbury from 4:00 pm
Division II matches will take place at two (2) venues.
At the Dominica Grammar School, the schools from Zone D will compete – they are the Campbell, Mahaut, Massacre, Warner and the Kelleb Laurent Primary Schools whilst at Salisbury, the Salisbury, Colihaut, Coulibistrie, Dublanc and the Roosevelt Douglas Primary Schools will compete as Zone F. All matches in Division II start at 2:00 pm.
Seven (7) teams will take part in Division I whilst forty (40) teams will compete in Division II.
Wesley Primary won Division I whilst Sineku Primary won Division II in the 2016 tournament.