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National Sports Awards

Shannee Angol

Tyron Theophile and Shannee Angol are the Sportsman and Sportswoman of 2015 and received over three thousand dollars ($3000.00) in cash among other prizes.

They were among thirty-eight individuals and groups awarded at the 10th Annual National Sports Awards hosted by the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Constituency Empowerment at the Fort Young Hotel in Roseau on Wednesday 4 May 2016.

Theophile, who was absent due to illness, also received the MVP of cricket award, while Angol received the MVP for athletics award.

The other awards presented were as follows;

Track & Field (female) – Shanee Angol
Track & Field (male) – Yordanys Garcia

Female – Anika Proctor
Male – Thomas Felix

Female – Valerian Spicer
Male – Jamesy Greenaway

Bridge – Dr Richard Green

Female – Annica Andrew
Male – Tyron Theophille

Domino – Oliver Yankey

Female – Alijah Titre
Male – Randolph Peltier

Netball – Shernel St Rose
Rounders – Antoinette Paul
Softball Cricket – Casimir Benjamin

Table Tennis:
Female – Alliyah Prince
Male – Clifton Lewis

Tennis – Mauricio Burton

Female – Catherine Francis
Male – Kerwin George

Special Olympics Athlete of the Year – Claudius Shipley
Groundsman of the Year – Isaac Andre
PE/Sports Teacher of the Year (Primary School) – Dario Frank of the Wills Strathmore Primary School
PE/Sports Teacher of the Year (Secondary School) – Lisa James of the North East Comprehensive School
School of the year in sports (Primary) – Wills Strathmore Primary School
School of the year in sports (Secondary) – North Eastern Comprehensive
Sports Reporter of the year – Garvin Richards
Official (umpire/Referee) of the year – Lennox Abraham
Coach of the Year – Mervin Thomas
Club of Year – Exodus
Sports Committee of the year – Kalinago Sports Committee
Sponsor of the year – Big Edge Financial Express
Association of the Year – Dominica Football Association
Special Recognition Award – Oswald Savarin

Sports coordinator Trevor Shillingford, who congratulated the awardees, called for a greater level of support for Dominica Sports personnel and athletes.

“A call remains for greater support in the area of spectatorship. Our athletes need the extra motivation as they compete. It is fitting therefore, as we celebrate, for us as a public to commit ourselves to making our presents felt at the various matches as a tangible show of support to our athletes,” he said.

Shillingford pointed out that there is still much room for improvement in the sporting sector in Dominica.

“As we celebrate let us pause to reflect on the administration at the level of our national Association. Are we meeting our mandate? Are we working for best interest of athlete development? Is there more that can be done to achieve greater performances? There are many questions to be asked as we reflect,” Shillingford posited.

“From the athletes standpoint have you given your best? Is there more that can be done by you to achieve greater success? The answer to the many questions may very well be what is needed to improve pour showings in 2016 and beyond,” Shillingford questioned the athletes.

Meanwhile Minister for Youth, Sports Culture & Constituency Empowerment Justina Charles noted that this 10th National Sports award is a milestone for her ministry.

“This event has as its theme ‘Honoring Sporting Achievements’. Through this, we as the government and the country, we are saying to our sports men and women that we regard, with great respect, your achievements in the area of sports.”

Mrs. Charles further noted her government’s commitment in collaboration with other stakeholders to provide lighted playing fields that will assist athletes in being more productive at training.

“It is my hope that coming out of the many interventions and investments, we will see improve performances in the subsequent years and thus there will be more reason to honor our sporting achievements,” Mrs Charles said.

Minister Charles noted that government remains committed to constructing an indoor sporting facility; however with the devastation caused by Tropical Storm Erika, it was forced to redirect the funds to the reconstruction process.

(This Article was obtained from Dominica Vibes : )

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