Earlier today two matches were played in Zone B. At the Benjamin’s Park in Portsmouth PSS played against ITSS and at Castle Bruce, CBSS were matched up against NECS.
The Remaining fixtures of the 2016 First Domestic Insurance Secondary Schools U-15 Cricket Championship are as follows:
Zone A
Zone B
Dominica Grammar School (DGS)
Castle Bruce Secondary School (CBSS)
Goodwill Secondary School (GSS)
Isaiah Thomas Secondary School (ITSS)
Pierre Charles Secondary School (PCSS)
North East Comprehensive School (NECS)
St. Mary’s Academy (SMA)
Portsmouth Secondary School (PSS)
Seven (6) days of cricket remain before the Final match kicks off at the Windsor Park Stadium on May 20th, 2016.
GSS vs DGS – Botanic Gardens (Zone-A)
PCSS vs SMA – Botanic Gardens (Zone-A)
ITSS vs CBSS – Dublanc (Zone-B)
PSS vs NECS – Benjamin’s Park (Zone-B)
GSS vs PCSS – Botanic Gardens (Zone-A)
DGS vs SMA – Winsor Park Stadium (Zone-A)
CBSS vs PSS – Castle Bruce (Zone-B)
ITSS vs NECS – Dublanc (Zone-B)
5/17/2016 (Semi-Finals)
Winner A vs Runner Up B
Winner B vs Runner Up A
5/20/2016 (FINAL)
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