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Closing ceremony for 13 & under netball festival

U-13 Netball ClosingCeremony

“You have received a start to continue netball and take on the world, make your mark in the world” wise words emphasized and addressed to the 13 and under netball festival participants at a closing ceremony from Sports Coordinator Mr. Trevor Shillingford. The event took place at the Portsmouth secondary school, the very venue with which the Dominican teams resided during the last week.

Mr. Shillingford congratulated the various teams and more so The Dominica National Team as they regained there title. He was very pleased with the level of play and holds high hopes for the future of netball in Dominica and also visiting island Anguilla. he believed that the tournament served its purpose of exposing athletes to netball at an early age and also the formation of strong bonds among participants.

The previously held Windward Islands Schools Games took a toll on not only finance but human resource and therefore the sports division couldn’t pursue other participating islands as aggressively. nevertheless the participation of the Anguillans made the tournament a success .
Various awards were given to deserving athletes and teams from performance in the tournament:

1st Place Team: Dominica National Team

2nd Place Team: Dominica Secondary Schools Team

3rd Place Team: Dominica Primary Schools Team

MVP Anguilla: Maeisha Minette

MVP Dominica Primary Schools: Tamisha Roberts

MVP Dominica Secondary Schools: Unique Powell

MVP Dominica National Team: Jarnilia Phillip

Best Defender: Tamisha Roberts

Best Center Court Player: Janilia Phillip

Top Shooter: Etheline Telemaque

Tournament MVP: Tamisha Roberts

Most Discipline Team: Anguilla


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